Office of the Registrar
Registrar is the custodian of the Institute records and is entrusted with the statutory functions enshrined in Chapter-II 19(1) of the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961, and the Statutes framed thereunder. He is ex-officio secretary to the statutory bodies of the Institute such as Board of Governors, the Senate, and the Finance Committee. He is also the Appellate Authority for implementation of RTI Act in the Institute.

Dr. Kumar Sambhav Pandey
Registrar, IIT Mandi
Designation | Name | |
Registrar | Dr. Kumar Sambhav Pandey | |
Junior Superintendent | Sushma Kumari | registraroffice, |
Junior Assistant | Vivek Kumar Dongre | |
Junior Attendant (Multi Skilled) | Leela Dhar | |